She 4 Sea Project
Assess your professional profile
⟶ Visit the She4Seadigital profiling tool
Step 1 of 2 encompasses the review of Soft Skills, which, based on the European university college Association, represent a “dynamic combination of cognitive and meta-cognitive skills, interpersonal, intellectual and practical skills. Soft skills help people to adapt and behave positively so that they can deal effectively with the challenges of their professional and everyday life”. We invite you to select as many of the following soft skills as you consider you possess. This will increase the percentage of your skills’ correlation with the job requirements of the professional sector you have selected.
Step 2 of 2 encompasses the review of Hard Skills, which represent competencies that employees possess, such as numeracy, literacy, fluency in a foreign language, and specific job-related technical abilities. Typically these skills are relatively easy to measure, and are often validated with some form of qualification. More recently, there has been a shift in emphasis towards the need for soft skills in addition to technical abilities.
Now, we encourage you to identify and choose from the list of hard skills those that best align with your expertise. Your selection will contribute to generating tailored results, that closely match your professional profile. Take a moment to highlight the skills that showcase your strengths and competencies.
This field is required. Please select at least one of the skills listed.